When a child is diagnosed with Autism, it becomes a life-changing event. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the struggle begins.
Where is the best place to raise the child from a community and education perspective? How do we ensure that he/she has the best life possible while balancing all else life presents?
Uplift Accelerator was seeded decades ago as we, and other parents of those on the spectrum, shared stories about our children and the daily challenges each one faced. The questions became more complex as our children grew up.
Given technology advancements what tools are available for young adults on the spectrum to help them experience independence, employment, safety and financial security? What if something happens to us?

As we searched for tools to provide more independence and quality of life, it became clear there was a significant gap.

While the technology sector offered exciting new ways for workers to be more productive and consumers to lead happier lives, it has not kept pace with demand for the 1% of the global population on the spectrum.

An example of the technology schism has been a lack of applications that address the shortage of experienced caregivers with skills required to take care of those within the community.

In essence, Uplift was born from all the parents we encountered along our own journey who realized that if we, as primary advocates for our children, are not proactive in changing the status quo regarding market-driven technology solutions, no one else will.

Uplift begins as an important step toward changing the status quo. We are dedicated to identifying stakeholders within and outside the community to support our venture that’s focused on bringing new, evidence-based technology solutions to market at a faster rate than in the past.

Many parents we’ve spoken to have, unfortunately, been let down by false hope when promised that some new technology will magically improve the quality of life for their child.

Our message is clear - there is no one solution that will always work for everyone on the spectrum.

To manage the community’s expectations with rigor, Uplift has begun collaborating with thought leaders in this space to create a Certification Board that will,

  • Quality assure the potential success of a proposed technology solution
  • Assess the specifics of how each new intervention will impact each person given where they are on the spectrum
  • Estimate the likely level of positive impact

The start-ups within Uplift’s ecosystem will manage solutions delivery such that parents and caregivers do not waste valuable time and money on interventions unless there’s a strong indication of positive results.

Uplift Accelerator is in the process of setting up its infrastructure. Our official launch anticipated by Jan 2022.

We look forward to your input and collaboration.